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The purpose of this section is to explain some of my personal views as they evolve. As such, this section will be continually updated and revised, as my views are always changing and are informed by new information and life experiences. No one view should be static, and when presented with new information and evidence they should be revised. Please note that everything state here is just my opinion and should not be taken as gospel. I encourage anyone who comes across this section to do their own research regarding their philosophies in order to form their own stances.


Anyone who tells you what to think or how to think should be questioned, especially those so strongly set in their opinions that they set to control the views of other people. Idelogues have the potential to be dangerous, as they often do not take "no" or introspection for an answer. They fail to consider the idea that they could be wrong about their views. Because ideologues tend to be charismatic, they often gain large followings that see them as a savior. Sadly, people lost to ideologues and their ideas need to understand that the only person in life that can save them is them , that they shouldn't look up to anyone else as a savior. I see this more often than not prevalent on websites such as Twitter regarding celebrities, leading to a degredation of the person's own personality. The idolization of someone who one does not know personality and looking to them for guides on life can lead to a downward spiral if mismanaged. I encourage anyone who finds themselves looking to anyone like a celebrity as a savior of sorts to look within and see what void that person is filling. Is it a void of community? Is it a void of friendship? Is it a void of being understood? The sooner that is figured out, the less of a reliance one will have on ideologues and the more that the person will develop their own individuality. Remember that you are you , and the fact that you are unlike anyone else is the most beautiful thing that we have on this planet.

If everyone was a carbon copy of another person, it would erode quality of life entirely. Your individuality is a gift. Don't waste it on people that you will never know.


Capitalism is a system that has assigned a person's value to the almighty dollar. It is something that, in my opinion, should be dismantled. A system that places money over human lives is a system that should be abolished. The fact that people are forced to spend money for things such as food, housing, and medical care - basic human rights - means that we have lost the plot as a species in my opinion. Housing should be provided to people simply because they are alive and deserve to be safe, not because they are working at times multiple jobs to keep themselves afloat. Medical care should be provided for free by the community as well. The fact that the draw to jobs such as hospitality tends to revolve around the large amount of money it generates gives people the incentive to work in things like medicine without the passion or genuine empathy for others that it should require to work such a job, thus reducing the standard of care as well. There is no room for humanity when profits begin to talk, which is why we're seeing the divide between the rich and the poor. The poor get convinced that the rich care about them, thus driving the ouroboros and the illusions of capitalism to swallow the head of itself once again.

There is worth in a human being even if they do not work. There is worth in a human being even if they cannot work. There is worth in a human being even if they are poor. The fact that these things even need to be stated breaks my heart. If we rooted care in community and understanding within one another, perhaps we'd live in a better world. I believe a better world is possible if we look beyond the lens of capitalism and realize that caring for our fellow human being is not only something that is desirable, but our responsibility as human beings.


Technology nowadays is designed to be obsolete before you even open the box. Your phone slows down within only a year or two of having purchased it, despite it just having released in that time. Phone screens crack easily. If something is wired, it's almost designed to break, prompting you to buy another one. There's nothing that is durable anymore, it just keeps getting updated in order to keep you buying a product that gives almost zero return to you. Here's a humorous video from the 2010s that jokes about this very subject, in particular about the iPhone. It's aged better with time, and I'm someone who relies on an iPhone. I miss when technology was created to last. Hand in hand with the degredation of technology is the death of physical media. One used to be able to own CDs and DVDs in order to preserve their favorite media for years to come, now some television shows, movies, and albums have been made exclusive to streaming. With one click of a button, a person's hard work could be erased from the world forever. Your favorite shows, music, and movies could be gone with the click of a button. Nothing is truly free, and nothing is truly owned. This will lead to a media desert at some point in time, especially media goes all digital within the future. It's a shame.

If we are to have technological advances as the future goes on, it should provide benefit to the user and to society as a whole. It should stop adding to the rat race of capitalism and degrading the enjoyment of the little entertainment we have in this world.


Stan culture is disturbing and represents the intense lack of individuality that is deeply apparent in the world. Devoting all of your energy to a celebrity, living or dead, is a waste of time. Not only does this person not know that you exist, but you do not know them personally. There is a difference between admiring someone's artistry and living and breathing for another person that would not put you out if you were on fire. There are some celebrities out there who, disturbingly, encourage parasocial behaviors and allow their fans to believe they have a personal, intimate connection with them. Strangely, they encourage their fans to be at their beck and call if they are in the center of controversies, chasing down other people for them, harassing people with opinions that they do not like / disagreeing with them, and building an entire cult of personality. It's okay to share others' work with a community of like minded people, but once it reaches a war over who "loves" (is infatuated with) someone more, who is more devoted (as though the person is God - there's no God that can breathe, mind you), and which fan gets more attention from the celebrity than the other, you open yourself up to a world of hurt. Stan culture is riddled with ego wars, ideas of ideas of "connections", and ultimately detracts from what does genuinely bring people together - art.

Boundaries between the well known and regular people have become so blurred that we've failed to recognize that those whose art we enjoy are also human, are failliable, and subject to many flaws. We deify what we do not have the full picture of, and we build ideologues out of people who initially just wanted to create. Stan culture is ultimately a way for some to take the power that a celebrity has and harness some of that for themselves. People should not recieve death threats, be told to die by suicide, or be told that they have claim over another human being. Capitalism has made it so that an artists' persona is something to own, something to be bought and sold by the masses - and they delude themselves into thinking that they, themselves are also a part of the celebrity. This is one of the driving forces behind the toxicity of stan culture: the idea that you are also famous / are owed something from someone you admire just because they exist.

You aren't owed love, interactions, or attention from a celebrity just because they are. Fan communities are not the problem, crossing over into toxicity is. Do not defiy the people you do not know.