It transforms. It mutates. You rise.

I was told by my therapist that I was lit on fire by my past, and it made me think.

I've been drawn to fire for a good while now, especially in the near half decade since what I will only describe as the catalyst occurred. I've had one notable dream where my entire town suddenly lit on fire, even, as though an apocalyptic rave came through it.

What started as disintegration has now transformed into the flame that keeps me going. The warmth that fire drives is the motivation to keep others warm. The motivation to keep myself going.

It also burns everything down. Fire forces transformation. Everything under it is left to ash. Nothing remains the same afterward.

From there, you have two options: to surrender or to rise. There is no third choice. In the ashes of what my old life was, I found myself embracing the fire and renewing myself in it.

I encourage anyone reading this that finds themselves fighting for their lives in the fire of whatever is happening to rise through it, to become one with a new fire, and to embrace the transformation into something stronger and better. I know that it's not easy, and it never will be. As stated before, fire transmutes everything it touches until there is nothing from the previous life left remaining. The hardest part of it all is the bargaining - you will want to reason with the fire, and you will find you cannot. However, the other side of it - creating your new flame - will be better than you ever imagined it to be. It is and will be safe. It is completely your own.

When presented with fire, walk through it peacefully. Watch the ashes fade to grey. Watch yourself be reborn. Fan the flames and create a spark in the lives of others.

Fire GIF