I admit, I have many questions about this realm of the universe. I was raised to think about it, my mother talked about ascension to the fifth dimension all of the time. I don't think that it's excluded from anyone, either. I think that the fifth dimension is, in a way, where we all end up once our soul is done with our mission here on Earth. It is, in my eyes, the afterlife.

Multiple people from my life have ended up here, this I believe. I can't imagine people that were so selfless and so giving of themselves have not, and when they died, their mortal coil and whatever ego was left was shuffled off into this dimension of love. I don't personally subscribe to the traditional notion of a Heaven or Hell. I think that these are states of being that one experiences throughout their lifetimes, and that one should work to make their lives as close to their view of Heaven as possible. I believe deeply that a better life is possible, and that at the end of ones' life, the soul can graduate to the fifth dimension. I do think that for a lot of people, it will take multiple reincarnations for the soul to graduate to the fifth dimension, with each life getting a person one step closer to it.

I don't subscribe to the idea of a God or Gods, but the idea that we are the Gods of our own lives, as we are all connected to the universe. While some events are truly fated, we have the power to better our lives and create a Heaven on Earth for those in our lives and ourselves. We are part of the universe, and naturally being a part of such a vast amount of energy means that we have the power to make our realities better.

This is something that will require more research, I definitely have a base understanding of it and I want to understand it further, but it's so fascinating to me. I am open to the possibility of being wrong, and of course I want to flesh out more of my thoughts on this subject in the future.

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